August 21, 2012 Roasting Tomatoes

One of the joys of gardening is the abundance of produce and one of the sometimes frustrating things about gardening is the abundance of produce. If only I could spread the harvest over a longer period of time.Since I can’t, I have found some ways to enjoy summer’s bounty all year long.
Take tomatoes for example. You wait and wait for the blush on the first fruit and then it happens. Bins and bins of tomatoes on the vine to be picked. When I was catering I canned copious amounts of spicy tomato sauce throughout the summer. I used the sauce through the year for parties and other events in lasagna and other pasta dishes. For several years I have been roasting tomatoes in the oven and freezing them in quart-sized bags. These are not sun-dried, they are juicier with a more concentrated flavor. They are a more versatile product that can not only be used in pasta dishes, but chili, soups and other dishes where a 28 ounces can of tomatoes is needed.
The procedure begins with the harvest. I like Romas best, but any variety can be roasted. I find the Roma exude less liquid than other varieties. I don’t put any additional seasoning on the tomatoes, that can be done when the tomatoes are cooked in the finished product.


 After the tomatoes are washed, use a small knife to cut out the core of the tomato.

  Cut tomatoes in half and place cut side down on parchment lined baking sheets that have a one inch rim to collect the juices that will accumulate during the cooking process. Parchment paper will not eliminate clean up but will make it easier.


 Roast tomatoes in a 450F oven for about 10 minutes or until the skin starts to shrivel. Carefully remove skins (without burning your fingers!) and pour any accumulated juices into a bowl. Return tomatoes to oven to allow them to cook down more. Pour off any additional juice.

 Lower temperatue of oven to 375F and continue cooking until tomatoes have released most of their moisture, another 10 to 15 minutes.

 The liquid exuded from the tomatoes isn’t the prettiest, but it is the tastiest tomato juice you will ever drink!

 When tomatoes have cooled, transfer to quart-sized freezer bags. Freeze flat for easy stacking.