March 26, 2014 Looking for Spring











Spring is here, that’s what the calendar says but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. I am looking out at bare trees on a rather gray landscape watching snowflakes dance by the confused robins.

It’s not supposed to accumulate they say and we will see. The beginning of March to me means putting away my heaviest winter sweaters, for Joe, it’s time to plant the peas. I still need the sweaters and the weather has not cooperated for pea planting. With temperatures just yesterday feeling like it was in the teens, the ground has not been ready to work yet. We have seen an occasional crocus and the green of future daffodils but there is a small patch of snow still left over down by the Christmas tree line. We did enjoy spinach just last week from a greenhouse planting of last October.  It was large, crinkly and probably the sweetest spinach I have ever tasted. That is why we garden.

Metal cages became a necessity for the pea seeds, makes it harder for the voles to get to them.
Not just peas but early spring greens are planted.


Spinach planted in October tastes even better in March after frigid winter temperatures!